Have a question about urban farming?
If you have any questions about urban farming please feel free to contact us. We may not have all the answers but we are happy to share what knowledge and ideas we have with you. Nothing we do is a secret so if you want more information on our growing methods or techniques please contact us. Please place "urban farming question" in the subject line.
Interested in donating land?
We are currently looking for new land to farm. In exchange for the use of your land, landowners enjoy the benefits of:
1. A weekly box of seasonal produce which saves you money on groceries.
2. Saves time, cost, and labor of maintaining a lawn.
3. A beautiful productive garden.
4. A passive way to participate in the local food movement.
If your land is within 3 miles of Sharonvilles downtown core, and has at least 2,000 square feet of farmable area, we may be interested. Also, it must not have any over hanging trees, tall structures directly to the south and is preferably fenced. Contaminated soil and a lot of invasive weeds would also make the land unable for our farming. If you are interested please contact us for more information.
Looking for advice for your project or farm?
Farmer Andy offers consulting services either over the phone or on site. Click here for more info.
Cincy Urban Farm
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States